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The out come !

At last! the last day of finshing my project of animation, but i had alot to do still!

I had to balance to music with my sound effect, which to be fair was easy for me as i done music. Music techonolgy i had every thurday in redbridge college, and i had to balance out everything intrument and plus the singer voice.. i had to control everything, make sure the guitar does not over power the drums, make sure the bas can be heard, make sure that the singer is clear and not loud either. All this was controlled by a interface, this was the same thing on adobe premiere pro.

This is a video showing how to use Adobe Premiere Pro.

and as you can see in the little box you have a interface which did help me alot of controlling and making balance.

Places sounds in Adobe Permiere Pro was very easy; i would download my sound effects from '' ''and after that have downloaded i would drag then into the space here :

This is just an example as my Adobe Premiere Pro has run out. Were you see the Purple line say ''Black Video'' to me that would of been Rapunzel video but with light blue with also another line saying soundtrack which will be a dark blue... Below then i had to drag my sound effects and place then under the both lines.. when i clicked play they would play within the video but i just had to sort out the volume for everything it did not come across to much, plus i had to add loads of fades in and out, Why? because you dont want a sound just to suddently stop otherwise it will sound bad. Therefore i added a fade in and out, which was so easy also.

Here you will see a group of effects. You go on to Audio Effects and there you will have a fade in and out appear as soon as you click on it.

Also this is were i got all my sound effects from, very easy just type out what sound you need and boom! you got it.

The programme itself was very easy to use, and i have never ever used this before. It does look quite scary because you have no idea what you press and if you do have ago at it.. you could lose your work or thinking you broke it.. i had that many times. I did look at some youtube videos to help me guide the way but, its so simple i did not need it anymore. Everything there is said how it is. I will be using this programme alot more now i know how to work it with other projects or just for fun.

After 5-6 i had finshed my sound effects her is a video of the my sound effects on the video Rapunzel;

This is the short animation done by Noriko Okaku and the music was done by Enrica Sciandrone and produce by Mark Collington and sounds effects were done by Me: Chloe Ambrose

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