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Sound Effects or a Title Sequence?

On this day we was shown three title sequence's such as the movie ''Catch Me if you Can'' Before the movie has already begun there was a short Animation story telling is who done what job in this movie and to show us little part of the story within the short animation;

I loved this short aniamtion, its tell us so much about the movie already with given us to much information. At the start short you can see already that it has something to do with a guy who see's flight attends and captin/pilot of the plane, as you see this silhouette of a man you knowalready he is the lead character of this movie and also said the actors name which is Leonardo Dicaprio.

Also Tom Hanks. You can cleary see that he is working with the police as a detective, as you can see the silhouette of a man is looking stright at Leo hinding in the lines dressed up as a pilot. Throughout this short it Tom Hanks trying to catch Leonardo Dicaprio, as he is always one step ahead of him on planes and tricks, why the movies is called;

and here is both of the Sihouettes as Tom is trying to catch Leo, by leaving it there as a cliff hangerto see if they do ever catch the guy in the movie. Also Throughout the short do you see him going on his adventure along the wat trying to hind and having the luxury life whilw being on top and find alot of women in his way.

The way the movie is done we all had to consider as the way its done so very slik and stylish and very 90's. Everything in this short links up, such as the lines and the names also connects as Leo is trying to run away, everything runs smooth such as the pool part, a huge straw inside a drink and then goes down very fast to Leo in a pool while the womens name Nathalie Baye. The L was making out to be the straw in her drink.

From this first picture

From this in to this persons name;

After that we had another titel sequence, which was Wall-E. Which i loved as i love the movie also.

This title sequence is used after the movie, which this is now telling us what happened in the end of the movie while showing the credits. This short is very clever, For me its saying that us humans made the future by making a gaint ship that can take us to space and live there forever and making robots also as we wanted to future to happen.. but two robots such a Wall.E and Eva wanted to find a plant on earth so everyone can go back home. In the end of the movie in this short you now can see that both of them wanted to go back to earth because of the start of this little plant that grew in a boot back on earth and then from the start both side do basic things to make earth better such as planting seeds, how to make fire from the basic, how to get water and then make a well, getting a fish net and go by the river, to rebuild history back to life.. starting with boats and not cars slowly having birds and fish swim in the seas again and it all goes back to the boot with the plant in it to see thats how it all started.

Near the end of short you can see Wall-E and Eva together looking at the tree from where the plant was from the boot... as the started this and they ended this on a high note.

And this is where is all stated from; The boot.

As you can see in every image i have showen you are you see that there are differnt styles of shades and textures from thie short from the start you can see its done as Egyptian walls to another rought texture when slowly making the earth a better place to live on and then slow turning into a smooth painting.. such a Van Goth.

as you can the similarities.

The same textures Mark gaved us all an idea on what to do with sound effects and making a title Sequence; we had to make it around science fiction or western, which made us all think of the storys on how to make a titel sequence, for me i wanted to make a science fiction short. Where he had his own space ship going to every planet to find his Rapunzel with a dark twist to it which made me think of the brothers grimm. when he find her she flies him out and he will forever be lost in space. As the brother grimm were a lot darker i did get alot of myinspiration from them.

When it came to sound effects i was really interested in, as much as i love the Credits i knew i wanted to make sound, as i have studied music for 5 years prior to going univercity. We spoke about what noise would someone be making when they walk in some leaves in a forest or people climbing up or down something how would they breath? would it be deep? or steady? while watch these short it made me think lot.. what would happen if they did not have music in them, what would the noise make? If Eva was flying it would be like ;

It would make a futuristic Zoom noise, someout out of star wars maybe?

After that i knew what i wanted to make and do. Which was sound effects.

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