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So it Begins...

Well a nice tuesday morning to do animation, i sat down and we got given alot of information... in the morning! So i sat down to took it all in:

The project for Rapunzel;

We had to think about how we were going to make our first Animation title sequence. We could of used Shadow puppets:

We could use the environment and charaters in the Rapunzel story and make it in a silhouette video such as these images:

As you can see in this image the charater is in the woods which therefor are alot of trees. And in this image you can see a differnt perspective on ''Rapunzel'' where she is in somesoft of a castel due the flooring.

I wanted to do a Shadow titel sequence of rapunzel but i only got to do one image of trees and sun from the disney movie Tangled.

More ideas came to mind to make it as a 3D projection, as the Rosemary Therater could do that for the titel sequence if people would like to choose to do that. for example; As you can see here the video shows a 3D Butterfly Flying Animation Example. We could of done this with the short movie of Rapunzel also, but at this point i really wanted to a Silhouette 3-5mins of showing Rapunzel all in black and white and show the credits in colour, which is saying the movie is not a fairy tale version of rapunzel but its quite dark there for i would so them in a silhouette form and the people who created the video and my other colleagues who also done the work in colour.

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