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Sound Effects it was!

So my next lesson was about making sound effects for the short Rapunzel; i was ready to do this and try find inspiration.The rapunzel video is all about the surroundings and the characters are doing, Such as the start.

This is the start of the short rapunzel animation i wanted to place Leaves moving gently like this sound:

The sound of leaves moving while the leaves move away to see the the boy in the forest by himself:

At this point the boy is now awake and i had to get some kinda of idea of forest sounds and the ambiance, also what sound does it make when he then walk inthe forest? all these ideas of my came to live by using the programme adobe premiere pro, which is a basic programme to make sound come to life in shorts animation movie.

For this i wanted the sound of a forest in a day to day life form such as :

Echos of the birds, you can hear grasshoppers if youlisten clearfully. It makes the forest seem fresh in the morning and birds that sing.

When the boy then begins to walk i wanted every footstep to make a crunch noice while breaking leaves with his feet as he walk across such as this noise:

This noise creates every step he takes amking him come to life.

When he then begins to walk i thought of making a heatbeat noise... as to say his rapunzel is calling him, or his love for finding rapunzel such as this noise:

This sound also make the boy realyl come to life as his love for her.

For this part of the movie i wanted there to be a slight wind to be in the back ground and to when the hair falls down i wanted a nice girly sound to make rapunzel seem kind and gentle, like a twinkle star sound.

For the wind.

This is for the hair falling down near the boy.

This part of the video was interesting to make because of all the sound that be put in here, such as wind, the boy climbing the hair, what noise does he make while his climbing, he is panting or is his breath steady and slow.

As the boy is clibimg alot higher the wind the begins to pick up and make more of a stronger noise.

The sound i wanted was a rough sound for climbing hair, on youtube this was the only sound i could get that quite similar to the sound used to show you.

As you can see the boy is climbing up to a playform for him to then walk across and meet Rapunzel, for this i thought about if i was to climb to how would i feel at the end, my breathing would not be the same, either out of breathe or a deep breath such as thing one:

I use a noise like these but i only used it once i did not repeat it, So one breathing in and then out and then stop. i did not want him to breath so hard during this part of the short.

This was tricky... i wanted to make a sound that was scary and loud.. but not naturul as this creature was odd looking. when the hair then explodes into bunch of hairs flying around thats when i wanted the noise, like a low bell chime maybe, or a workplace.

Like this video of big ben bell chimes.

But this did not work well for me its sounded to much for only a 5seconds to see this creature as rapunzel scare the boy.

So i looked on youtube and found this

The video said 5 most Mysteruois sound, at this point i thought i hit the jackpot and to see what i can have or something close to what i want, but sadly nothing.

This is were i relised not everything has to have sound when you also have to balance out music aswel as the sound, so i chose not to put a sound to this at all and let the music tell on what its doing.

At the end of the short this was my favorite thing to do as i like the sound of thunder and rain. As you can see here rapunzel was kicking the boy out when she is doing that you can see that her hair id going crazy flying out the ''castle'' so i chose thunder for her being angry for him to have come and making him leave by force.

The sound of thunder for me was amazing, it worked so well.. throughout my soundeffect with teh whole story was amazing. i made it seem the rapunzel was kind and gently and wanted company and to turn out that she did want any of that and become a monter and making the boy fly out of the castle, so im very glad about the thunder taking part.

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